Search Results
Mi-Cho-Coq, a framework for certifying Tezos Smart Contracts
Nomadic Labs Research Seminars #2 | Verifying Tezos Smart Contracts in the Mi-Cho-Coq Framework
Nomadic Labs Research Seminars #23 | ConCert, a framework for smart contract verification in Coq
Smart Contract Languages & Formal Verification, Part 2 - Tezos Workshop
Demonstration of Michelson educational tool to learn how to build smart contracts
Michelson Tutorial Demo3
Michelson Tutorial Demo4
Nomadic Labs Research Seminars #11 | Helmholtz - A Verifier for Tezos Smart Contracts
Tezos | Consensus 2019
Верификация на Coq простейших моделей смарт-контрактов (Андрей Ляшин) 31.05.2018
NGK2020S #3 LT
Tezos Meetup Series: Meanwhile at Nomadic, Pietro Abate discusses development updates